In-Home Physical Therapy
While clinics offer more instruments for recovery, we understand that it is not always possible for clients to make it to Physio Active One because their injuries are too severe, or they are simply uncomfortable doing so.
While we encourage all clients to make it a goal to transition out of in-home physical therapy, it is a service we are happy to offer.
Who Can Benefit?
In-home physical therapy is primarily offered to senior citizens, but is also suggested for clients whose injuries are too severe to leave the house. In other cases, shut-ins or clients suffering from mental trauma may also find in-home physical therapy beneficial.
In terms of pediatric clients, especially those with disabilities, a therapist may visit the home environment from time to time.
When a senior citizen is assigned an in-home therapist, it could be due to any of the following ailments:
Occupational therapy will be used to help the client re-learn how to perform day-today skills. Occupational therapy can help those having difficulty dressing, bathing and preparing/consuming meals. Speech and language therapy is available after a stroke or heart attack. In-home physical therapy helps clients regain their independence.
Advantages of In-Home Physical Therapy
Given the fact that following surgery, 66% of clients prefer physiotherapy at home and that it can take 43 minutes on average of travel and wait time getting to an in-clinic appointment, it is easy to see home physical therapy as an attractive option.
Did you know that while clients are always given home exercises, those taught at home tend to be more effective than when taught in the clinic?
Here at Physio Active One we’re aware that your time is valuable! On top of that, why risk further injury with travel when you can recover in the comfort of your own home? There are many advantages of a traveling physical therapist.
But What Are the Disadvantages?
In-home physical therapy can cover stroke rehabilitation, general pain in the back, neck, head, knee and hip regions, arthritis, tendinitis, fractures,and many more ailments you may suffer from.
However, therapists are limited to the tools they can bring with them to your residence and do not have access to the full range of equipment a clinic can offer.
Practices such as hydrotherapy, electrotherapy and acupuncture are all treatments that require a specialized environment to be successful.
Depending on the extent of your ailments or injuries, it may be necessary for you to transition to a clinical environment.
Whether you are participating in hydrotherapy, electrotherapy or acupuncture, it is always encouraged that you attempt a clinical visit. There are many other tools such as X-ray and CT scan machines that are not portable.
Making Your First Appointment
If you already have an assigned therapist at Physio Active One all you need to do is ask for an appointment. They will have already assessed your condition and can inform you whether or not you're eligible.
If you are new to physical therapy, your doctor or nurse practitioner will be able to assist you should you be unable to make it in to our clinic.
You are always welcome to contact us directly. We ask that you provide us with medical information on your current condition so we can do our best for you!