Massage Therapy: in Toronto
When it comes to massage therapy, we have a goal in mind: to get you happy and healthy. Our certified chiropractors have provided back and neck pain relief for a number of residents in the Montreal area using massage therapy. Whether you are in agonizing pain or are just beginning to notice symptoms, come to LinkNow Media today and see what our massage therapists can do for you.
What is chiropractic massage therapy?
Chiropractic massage therapy using techniques similar to what most people think of when they think of a traditional massage: gliding hand motions and sustained pressure. When a professional performs these techniques they can relax contracted muscles and release stagnant toxins.
What are the benefits of massage therapy?
There are many benefits to massage therapy. Beyond being extremely relaxing, massage therapy can have the following benefits:
How many massage therapy sessions are necessary?
The number of sessions depends on what you would like to achieve. After we learn your long- and short-term goals, we will be able to provide you with a time frame.
Can massage therapy help a sports injury?
Yes. We have helped a number of athletes in the Montreal area recover from their sports injury using massage therapy. Many sports, such as golf, cycling, and weight lifting can put a tremendous amount of pressure on your back and neck and can cause muscle sprains, ligament and tendon injuries. Our massage therapy techniques not only relieve this pressure, but also decrease the chances for re-injury.
I have had surgery in the past; can I still get a massage?
Yes, in fact, getting a massage is extremely beneficial to those who have had surgery in the past. By manipulating the soft tissues in your body we are able to assist in the healing process.